Selling over 70 3D printed resin miniatures for Heroquest or Dungeons and Dragons. These figures include female heroes, bosses, and monsters from expansions. 

From left to right - 

Picture 1: All minis
Picture 2: Bear, Druid, Female Wizard, Female Barbarian, Female Elf, Female Dwarf
Picture 3: Sir Ragnar, Sir Ragnar Prisoner, Halberd Henchmen x2, Swordsman Henchmen x2, Scout Henchmen x2, Crossbow Henchmen x2
Picture 4: Verag (Gargoyle), Orc Boss, Ulag the Orc Warlord, Ograk the Orc Captain, Grak, Minotaur
Picture 5: Bastion of Chaos Chaos Warrior, Kessandria, The Witch Lord, Gulthor, Doom Guards x2
Picture 6: Guardian of the Tomb x2, Orc Shaman Grawshak, Storm Master Boroush, Necromancer Fanrax, High Mage Zanrath 
Picture 7: Ice Gremlins x3, Frozen Horror, Yeti x2, Polar Warbear x2
Picture 8: Dark Elf Crossbowman x2, Dark Elf Swordsman x2, Ogre x4, Sinestra (Not 3D printed, Reaper Mini), Wolves x3, Mirror
Picture 9: Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Lord, Ogre Champion, Ogre Throne
Picture 10: Chaos Hounds x2, Beastmen x6, Beast Lord, Beastmen Shaman (For the Mound of the Beastmen fan expansion)