Join the Doctor, the Ponds and numerous friends on their latest escapades through space and time where they puzzle over an unexpected invasion of Earth, save a spaceship full of dinosaurs, don Stetsons in a Wild Wild West adventure, and are even kidnapped by the Doctor’s oldest foe. The explosive series concludes with Amy and Rory’s heart-breaking farewell – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan. Will the Doctor really lose the Ponds forever?

There’s only one way to find out…

Includes the bonus features

Pond Life

En route to see the Ponds the TARDIS’ Helmic Regulator malfunctions, leaving the Doctor popping up everywhere in time and space. Will he ever make it back to them?

Asylum of the Daleks Prequel

The Doctor receives a message from a mysterious hooded stranger – a woman called Darla Von Karlsen wants to meet him…

The Making of The Gunslinger

Civil war has ravaged the Kahler race, but a team of scientists has found an advantage. The Gunslinger is born.