This very striking, beautiful and extremely rare folio chromolithograph, with exquisite original colouring is from the first and only edition of Jean Baptiste Vérany's 

"Mollusques Méditerranéens."

Published in Gènes (Genoa) by /i Imprimerie des Sourds-Muets in 1851, this work is exceedingly rare and features the "first drawing of a deep sea luminous squid."

(Newton Harvey, A History of Luminescence)

Vérany (1800 -1865) was one of the founders of the Nice Natural History Museum:

"Jean-Baptiste Vérany, a famous naturalist of the beginning of the 19th century, has distinguished himself by his work on octopus, squids, cuttlefishes and argonauts (cephalopod molluscs) which he discovered, described and wonderfully drew from specimens fished in the Mediterranean sea."

(Exhibition announcement of the Nice Natural History Museum, 2001)


(watermarks not on original print) 


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