Domain Information:

The Domain you are purchasing is:

Estimated value on GoDaddy appraisal tool as of 26/04/2024 = $1,196, holds potential value due to its direct relevance to the self-help and mental health industries, incorporating valuable keywords that are easily identifiable and SEO-friendly.


This domain is currently registered at

For a faster transfer, we recommend that you register with the above domain registrar if you're purchasing this domain.

A transfer straight to your chosen domain registrar will be included upon purchase of the domain name! Please provide your Registrar information through direct message to complete the transfer process. (allow up to 1 business day for a response.)

Terms of Buying a Domain Name:

  • You are buying the domain name only, there are no websites, content, or email addresses included with this domain, unless otherwise stated.

  • The buyer understands that they will need an account with a domain registrar for this domain to be transferred to them (GoDaddy, Afternic, NameCheap etc) - it is free to register an account with these registrars if you do not already have an account.

  • If the buyer's chosen registrar charges a fee to transfer in the domain name then the buyer agrees to pay such fee. In most cases, it is free to transfer especially if the registrars are the same.

  • Domain transfer times vary and can take from 30 minutes up to 10 days.

  • As there is no physical item to collect the buyer agrees that the item is, marked as collected when the domain name has been transferred to the buyer's designated registrar/email.

  • The buyer cannot cancel the transaction once the seller (us) has started the domain name transfer process 

  • The buyer understands that once the domain name has been transferred to them, the sale is complete, it cannot be returned and therefore no refund can be given.

Thank You for your domain purchase. We hope to see you online soon!