Rose 🌹 was a romance writer. She never got published but that did not hold her back she was a visionary  and used her fresh and romantic ideas to help me and women find love. She had been an army wife for years and had friends all around the world. She enjoyed mostly matching women with soldiers. She was very popular and was successful enough to be a bridesmaid over 18 times. Her own relationship was wonderful, she and her husband had two sons. Her marriage lasted until her husband died at 56 and a few years later she met her 2nd husband, together they had 12 grandchildren. Rose died at 79 of natural causes.

Everyone loves. Having Rose 🌹 around. She loves to sing and make good things happen. She will even send out a rose scent to make you smile.  The most amazing thing was she sent me a dream that someone from my past would come back into my life. When I awoke,  I honestly did not think much of it and went about my day. On my way to pick my little boy up from school I stopped to get gas and an old friend was at the pump across from me!!! That was just beautiful!!

Rose 🌹 loves making sweetness happen but even more she really longs to make love connections. Perhaps you need Rose in your life, she can really make a difference!! ❤️


As with all spirits, please be sure to treat them with the utmost respect and kindness. Light a white candle to welcome them into their new space.  




My paranormal background is centered around my marriage. My husband is a psychic medium, it runs on his mothers side. We live in an almost century old farmhouse that his great grandfather built here in rural Eastern North Carolina. We live a stone s throw from a battlefield where the last full-scale action of the Civil War in which a Confederate army was able to mount a tactical offensive. This major battle, the largest ever fought in North Carolina. So we are exposed to much paranormal activity on a daily basis..we have many ghostly apparitions that pass through our doors! We have been working together with mostly displaced spirits since we have been married 12 years ago, but my husband has been dealing with spirits all his life. I have learned so much from him and still learning! 




~Per Ebay, I am not responsible for any paranormal experiences you may or may not have. This doll is for "entertainment" purposes only

~~~but you can be the judge of that!




~~~Packaging is very important, I want your new spirit doll to get to you in perfect condition, so I carefully package them with padding and bubble wrap when necessary for safety and comfort. I also am one to recycle a box so if you get a reused box from me please know that I inspected it to make sure it was not soiled in anyway and is sturdy...the outside may look less than pristine but I put much effort into making the inside as appealing as I can for you and the spirit en route. If for any reason there is a problem with shipping, please contact the postal service provided with the tracking to fill a claim~~~