Face to Face Lovers Candles
The Face to Face Lovers Candle is a 7" tall female and male figure candle. It represents a man and woman face to face on a heart-shaped base. The two figures are separate from each other until they are joined at the base enabling this candle to be cut in half at the base to allow for options in working with the candle. Hand-crafted manifestation candles that can assist you in achieving certain goals that you’re seeking. Protect yourself and cleanse home of negative energy with this spiritual prayer candle. Whether it’s personal protection, relationship, home, or family protection, the energy cleansing candle can help cleanse away unwanted energies.
How To Use - Write the name of the man and woman, or your wishes and goals, directly onto the candle and anoint it with our Love Oil, Attraction Oil, Union Oil or Come To Me Oil. The manifest candle can be used in a wide range of magical endeavors, including spells and rituals.