Hello and welcome to my auction for this 'you thought my other Cupboard is rough....you ain't seen nothing yet' Cupboard.
Since owning this i've discovered that glass doesn't bend.
I was going to write a long descripton about this cupboard but if you have a look at my Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard I'm selling on here, the description for that could almost apply to this apart from the sizes and Sir Cliff Richard.
The sizes are (for the cupboard, not Sir Cliff Richard) 36 inches wide, 51 inches high and 16 inches deep. But those sizes could apply to a chap I used to work with I suppose. He was so short he had to stand on a chair to put his hat on. Not much taller than Princess Margaret apparently.
When people list items on here and say "just needs a clean" I always think...'clean it then! But not in this case I don't. I'll leave that enviable task to you. Bet you can't wait! Actually, if I DID clean it up and paint it I'd get more for it wouldn't I? "Yes, ya lazy monkey" I can hear you cry. I can't really, I just made it up to freak you out. If you live next door to me and shouted it, I'd probably hear you then. If I was in of course. I may have gone out. I mean....I don't know when your going to move in next door and shout it do I? What do you think I am...a mind reader or someone who's telepathetcic or something! You want to concentrate on buying my stuff instead of getting all wrapped up in this 'moving next door to me and shouting 'Yes, ya lazy monkey' at me' when I'm in and not gone out. 
I'm considering copy and pasting my description for my Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard on this advert just in case you can't be bothered to go and find it....ya lazy monkeys!
I'll leave it a bit though because I'm a lazy monkey. If you knew my surname, you'd realise that's quite amusing. Well, a bit amusing.

Cash on collection only please.......hold on..........CASH ON COLLECTION ONLY PLEASE!

I thank you.

P.S. A kind eBayer has reminded me that I will accept a Bank Transfer.

P.S. Here is my description for my other cupboard I'm selling. If you disregard the measurements it's the same as this cupboard...apart from the fact one goes on the wall and the other doesn't...unless you want to put this one on the wall but that would simply be foolish.

'Hello and welcome to my auction for this beautiful example of a Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard. Or rather, what a beautiful example of a Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard would look like if you put in your shed for 30+ years and did absolutely nothing with it except use it for storing paint tins, a Vintage Toaster with wheels on (see my other items for details but, if your reading this just after I listed it, give me chance to list my Vintage Toaster because multi-tasking is something I can't do although to be fair..I can. I can eat toast and watch the TV at the same time. But not toast from my Vintage toaster because it doesn't work) and a spider called Sir Cliff Richard. You'll never guess why I called him that...unless you can guess. The 1950's Vintage Fortress Wall Cupboard has sliding glass doors.
Thinking about it, I should have left the paint tins inside my Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall  Cupboard then you could have painted it yourself...as long as you like a Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall  Cupboard in a fetching shade of (insert your colour choice here because what ever colour you like, I've probably stored it in my Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard but without the lids on proper so they have all solidified and gone all hard and everything)
The measurements of my
Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard (why has the writing gone bigger and darker?) are; 42 inches wide, 20 inches high and the depth is 12 inches wide at the top but tapering down to a very snazzy 10 inches at the bottom.
There's not (ooh look...the writing has smallend itself and gone not as dark) much more I can say about my
Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard
 (well begger me....it's gone back to how it was before it changed the first time before it did) other than to say it's Cash On Collection only please. I'm going to repeat that and it's now I want the writing to change back to shouty words because I need to emphises...emfasise....em.... make very clear, it's CASH ON COLLECTION only please.

Thanks for looking at my Vintage 1950's Fortress Wall Cupboard and if you do decide to bid....bid a lot as I'm saving up for more paint and a new home for Sir Cliff Richard. When I first saw him in there I told him to (wait for it) Move It..... but he just sat there not hearing me. Having said that, can he hear? The spider I mean, not Sir Cliff Richard although I can't vouch for him not hearing either as I don't know him. When I see him again, I'm going to trap him in a glass and with the aid of a microphone, have a look and see if I can see any ears...the spider I mean, not Sir Cliff Richard although it's now starting to get confusing as I call the spider Sir Cliff Richard.
Microscope I meant. But, a microphone would be handy if he has no ears because I could turn the volume up!

I thank you.

P.S. A kind eBayer has reminded me that I will accept a Bank Transfer.'