Small Amuleto, 0.67 in with chain lenght 17.71
Pendant horn red Coral, in silver 
plated gold yellow
Natural and real gemstone italian
with yellow plated gold, in silver 925 

  • Size: lenght horn about 0.67in
  • Chain silver 925 lengh 17.71
  • Material: coral gemstone in 925 silver 
  • below red coral and silver what are*
  • Important: do not immerse the coral  in the water

Presented by WebStore Corallo Reseller of handcrafted jewelry Torre del Greco

Red coral: The red coral is the only type of the Corallium of the Mediterranean Sea, which goes from Greece and Tunisia up to the Strait of Gibraltar, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and the Balearic Islands included, it is also located in the eastern Atlantic in Portugal, the Canary Islands, Morocco and Cape Verde Islands, approximately up to 200 meters deep in places with little light with little vegetation

Properties of red coral: Red coral increases life energy and vitality, removes energy imbalances caused by negative moods, opens the heart with the power of love and is reputed to be a stone of sensuality and affection. It is also worn to encourage changes within

Silver:  is the chemical element in the periodic table which has the symbol Ag (from the Latin Argentum) and atomic number 47. It is a soft, white and shiny transition 
silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity of all metals, and is found in nature both pure and in the form of a mineral. It is used in coinage,


photography and in jewelry, in which silverware is the protagonist of an entire branch, which includes cups, kitchens, trays, frames and table cutlery.
Silver is a very 

ductile and malleable metal, barely harder than gold, with a white metallic sheen that is accentuated by polishing. It has the major

electrical conductivity among all 

metals, even higher than that of copper which, however, is more widespread due to the lower cost.

Pure silver, among metals, also has the highest thermal conductivity, 

the whitest color, the highest reflectance of visible light (poor instead in the case of

of ultraviolet light) and lower impact resistance. Silver halides are 

photosensitive and the effect produced on them by light is the basis of

analog photography (i.e. on film and chemical paper).

Silver is stable in pure air and pure 

water, but darkens when exposed to ozone, hydrogen sulphide or air containing traces of compounds of the

sulfur. In its compounds, silver has an oxidation number +1, 

and is so malleable that sheets as small as 30 µm can be made.