RARE January 4,  1911 NEW YORK DRAMATIC MIRROR with Christie MacDonald cover. FEATURES on Editorials on A Matter of Evolution on abandonment of smaller motion picture theatres; The Charlotte Cushman Club for young actress; Realism; The Matinee Girl items on Nance O’Neill at Ira Bailey Farms; Julia Neilson at sea; Truly Shattuck Christmas recollections; Hamilton Revelle An Actor with an Avocation with photo of Revelle; the Christmas Tree of Blue Bird Children with 2 photos at Majestic; The London Stage Column items on A. E. W. Mason’
S “Princess Clementina” produced by H. B. Irving at Queen’s…Irving invests his part with strength and grace…Stella Campbell not enough experience…Maeterlinck’s “The Blue Bird” revival at Haymarket; Death of Frank Worthing with photo; The Drama in New Zealand…Katherine Grey and Wm Desmond to make Dominion tour; 

PHOTOS of Winona Winter; Albert chevalier in “Daddy Dufard,” Roth Peeples; Maybelle Estelle; Harriott Standon in “Sweet Sixteen,” scene from “the Spring Maid” with Ed Metcalf, Otto Hoffman, Art Thalasso, Tom McNaughton, Christie McDonald; Elsie Janis with 7 lines of text; Truly Shattuck; 3 scenes from “The Deep Purple” with Catherine Calvert, Richard Bennett, Ada Dwyer, E. Corrigan, W. A. Norton, W. J. Ferguson, James Lee Finney; Sybil Carlisle with 11 lines; Frances Reeve plus 6 lines; Leona Watson with 6 lines; Mary Moore; Isadore Martin; New Chicago Cort Theatre interior; Grace Hayward with 7 lines; Milan Northrup; Willoughy and Glick Urbana, OH; 

PLAYS OF THE WEEK on “Marriage A La Carte” by C. M. S. McLellan, music by Ivan Caryll at Casino…seemed imminent danger of a plot but plunged into rabbit hole…C. Horton Horne only one with voice of mention; Emmy Whelan disappointed expectations, Elsa Ryan hit by hilarity rather than her singing; “The Slim Princess” by Henry Blossom from Geo. Ade story at Globe…splendidly presented by Chas Dillingham…Elsie Janis works hard for her success…Joe Cawthorn always amusing…Julia Frary excellent voice, Joe Miron sufficiently robust, Chas Judels first rate; “Der Kaufmann von Venedig” at Irving Place other than Possart, rest of cast afloat without a rudder,” “Trelawny of the Wells” by Arthur Wing Pinero at Empire…charming comedy…superably acted…Ethel Barrymore curtain call after curtain call…Geo Boniface and Chas Walcot with sincerity and vigor…Alice Beresford noticeable in small role…Louise Drew one of best things; “We Can’t Be as Bad as All That” by Henry Arthur Jones at Nazimova…anything more beautiful than Katherine KAELRED WOULD BY DIFFICULT TO IMAGINE…Kate Phillips getting full value out of her comical epigrams…Catherine Granville, Mrs. Sam Sothern good…Veda McEver acted small scene with mastery…Nye Chart did not convince…Ivo; Judas” by John de Kay at Globe…Starring Madame Sarah Bernhardt…she never looks like anything other than  a very wonderful woman…M. Bary acted with spontaneity and grace; “The Squaw Man” by Edwin Milton Royle at Broadway…starring Wm Faversham…W. S. Hart walked away with opening performance; “The Cub” at West End” starring Douglas Fairbanks, Anne Meredith; 

NEWS ITEMS on stage deaths of Frank Worthing; Sir Henry Irving, Montfleury; 15 lines on Oliver Morosco; 9 lines on Janet Sothern; 16 on Kitty Cheatham; 16 on Mrs. Alphie James; 6 on Louise Rial; 6 paragraphs on Modjeska’s Memories; Humperdink’s new opera “Koenigskinder” at  large Met audience…with Geraldine Farrar; Marcus Meyer Benefot; Geo De Vere death; Ellen Terry and Shakespearean Juvenilia; Adeline Genee in vaudeville; Chas Balsar in “The Fourth Estate,” Eunice Evans in “A Thief in the night,” Hazel Dorn in “Gay Claudine,” Doris Keane ran away with honors; Burr McIntosh real attraction at Chicago Majestic; Raymond Hitcock trying to restore public interest after collapse of “The Mayoress,” 
Grace George unusual comedy talent in Detroit; Gert Elliott and May Robson made Toronto friends; “Madame X” lived up to Boston expectations, Dorothy Donnelly always a favorite; Bessie Abbot delightful in Montgomery; Tetrazzini San Fran ovation; Lillian Goldsmith charming in Denver; Nat Duncan appreciated in Topeka; Elsie Janis capacity in Springfield; La Petite Adelaide fine dancing in Worcester; Sarah Truax best opportunity in Minneapolis; Marie Dressler delightful in Albany; good Toledo Richard Carle houses; Mary Mannering Standing Room Only in San Antonio; Louis Kelso, Arline Boling well received in Spokane; 

DATES AHEAD for Viola Allen, Billie Burke, Maxine Elliott, Virginia Harned, Rose Stahl, Richard Carle, Raymond Hitchcock, and hundreds more; 

sing New Stage in Kentucky; scene from Pathe’s “Il Trovatore” REVIEWS OF LICENSED FILMS including Edison’s “Family of Vegetarians,” Melies” In the Tall Grass Country,” Edison’s “Romance of Hefty Burke,” REVIEWS OF INDEPENDENT FILMS; LICENSED AND INDE-PENDENT FILM RELEASES LISTINGS: 

ADS for back cover Essanay with “The Count and the Cowboys scene; Cohan & Harris for “The Girl in Waiting,” H. Percy Meldon; Sedley Brown, Louise Kent, Clara Turner, Jane Breckenridge, E. Presson Miller, Alvoiene United Stage Training Schools; J. H. Gilmore; Fatima Cigarettes; Biograph with scenes from “The Two Paths” and “When A Man Loves” Selig’ Kalem’ Melies; Edison; Pathe Freres; Lubin with scene from “Tag Day at Silver Gulch,” ½ page Vitagraph with scene from “Three Men and A Maid,”

CONDITION: COMPLETE 36 pages filled with early stage, theatre and motion picture productions, actors, actresses, producer, authors, industry news. From bound volume, therefore bare spine, restapled, perforated library stamp on cover; edge wear/chips, lower oart of pages broken off, nice inside condition.