Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brulee is one of the Monstera that you should pay attention to as it is the top kind of all the different types of Constellations, so make sure you are getting the right kind as it comes with the highest price.

He is a very well established one in a gallon pot with its roots already peeking out. is the combination of Monstera Thai Constellation and Albo. The Creme Brulee compared to the regular Thai has beautiful more prominent sectoral cream variegations mixed with gray like a creme brulee and has much more white to cream splashes all over the green background and its stems and petioles are also more striped with creamy white.

He had just unfurled its  largest more creamy variegated vibrant green large fenestrated leaf that is still hardening off and is working on pushing out another one.

Stands at 20" tall by 15" wide. The largest leaf measures 9.75" long by 8" wide not including the petioles with a couple of nodes. Hard to find him at this size. He will grow quite large. Very easy care. Can handle different household conditions and is drought tolerant. Place in a bright room away from direct sunlight, pot in an aroid mix and water only when the soil feels dry or completely dry.

Images taken 5/1


Heat packs with insulation is available for $5

Please understand that I cannot be responsible for what happen to them under your care after a week. Thank you!

Be aware of the current temps in your area and I suggest buying the necessary insulation to keep them safe and alive.

Please note that I take very detailed pictures of the plant with its measurements, so you have an idea of what is the actual size of the plant. Thank you 🙏

P.S. I always have my plants stay with me, so I can nurture and feed them full of nutrients to insure that they are a cut above the rest and strong enough to be in a new environment . Don't believe me, just feel the foliage when you receive them. Enjoy🙏

I pack my plants meticulously, but I can't be responsible for any damages caused by shipping delays and mish