3 CDs. Some of the world's most talented violinists in this collection of Chinese music. Listen to the incredible music of Yu lina, Lu Siqing, and Chen Qiwei, and let the soothing and powerful sounds of their music inspire you. This album is an excellent way to enjoy the musical artistry of these artists, and is sure to be a favorite of any classical music lover.

俞丽拿 小提琴协奏曲 梁祝,小提琴独奏曲 二泉映月良宵等共七首 中国唱片上海公司出版发行

吕思清 小提琴协奏曲 梁祝,渔舟晚唱新疆之春等共七首,中央交响乐团涂惠民指挥

香港艺声唱片公司 Hong Kong Art-Tune Records Co. “中国浪漫名曲”13首,钢琴 刘康,小提琴 陈奇伟


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