Pin Pics Description:

This pin features on of the horses from King Arthur Carousel. This comes on a card bearing the name Avanti. The back of the card reads "Walt Disney's dream for Disneyland began when he watched his daughter ride on the Carrousel in Griffith Park. So it came as no surprise that when Walt Disney began his plans for Disneyland, he wanted a carousel for his park. Fun Fact: The original carrousel was built in Philadelphia by William Dentzel in 1920." Pins included in this series are #16603, #16604, #17754, #18584, #19300, #20153. To allay any further comments, here is what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has to say about the spelling of Carousel.... carousel....Function: noun Etymology: French carrousel, from Italian carosello Date: 1650 carrousel....Main Entry: car·rou·sel variant of CAROUSEL

This limited edition pin, only 1500 produced, has been stored in a Diseny pin binder since purchase and is in EXCELLENT condition. No dings dents or scratches anywhere. Perfect for any collection, but especially perfect to fill out your Carousel horse collection.