Haunted 9" Vintage 1983 Dynasty Doll - Emma - Angry , upset yet cooperative at times  - she does show signs of age the doll measures 9" but her dress is long like a Christening gown or time period baby sleep gown

 We purchased this doll at an Occult shop in Pa. about 1 1/2 yrs ago. When we asked about the doll,  the employee said they had just gotten it about a week and a half before and unsure if what the young man told us was true, but having been near the doll he would see a figure, hear voices and their security camera caught a mist figure walking around the store at night that had never shown up until this doll arrived. They were told that the doll was found in an abandoned home they came across in an old development. They had gone to do some investigating in the abandoned neighborhood for their Tik tok, and besides the feeling of people surrounding them, being touched and hearing noises, when they entered a bedroom found this doll laying on the frame of a bed. Unsure if the home owner had owned it or someone brought it as an offering. After being in his home he knew he brought whatever was attached to it home. He saw shadow figures, heard voices and was getting sporadic sleep because of something waking him. Within a few days he took it and sold the doll to the shop.

 Her presence was strong on the ride home and felt like it took forever even though it was only an hour ride. The air was thick in the car even with us opening the windows. When we got home we let her sit overnight to adjust. Being among her was also an uncomfortable feeling. Being a sensitive I felt anger, anxiousness and distrust. Our dogs avoided going in the room and our cats after slowly approaching her, quickly ran, ears down and ended up staying in our daughters room the rest of the night. We didnt hear much the first night. The feelings I felt from her told me she wasnt happy.

As we turned our equipment on the next evening, our k2 kept flashing yellow and orange and the mel meter rose to 1.8 with a temp. drop of 5 degrees. As we turned our spirit box we heard a female voice in what sounded like a panicky tone say " Out of here ". We asked if she was a female and did she want to get out of our home. The same tone came through and answered " Me now ".  Our rem pod started to light up blue and our scare Bear - like a K2 only it has to be touched, doesnt just pick up energy around it, started to light up.  As we tried to ask again if it was male or female the same tone for the last time came through and said " Emma ". We asked if she had just told us her name and the Scare Bear lit up again for the last time with her. We took it as her answer of yes. We tried letting her know that she was welcome among us and although she did interact she just completely stopped for the night. When we reviewed our EVP's later we heard a few answers not heard in person. When we asked if she was good or evil, her response had been " So confused ",  when we asked if she had been married heard her response of " Wasnt ". She is unsettled, at times angry but will cooperate to a point until she decides she's just done. I feel her response of " Out of here", she meant she wanted to get out of the doll, maybe wanting to cross over. Maybe being among someone she feels more of a connection to she might open up more, no guarantees with her. After multiple interactions she has reacted the same with us. She will cooperate and then just puts up a wall and refuses.

Please note, as some have questioned a spirit not interacting with them in items they have purchased from other sellers, spirits have their own personalities, sometimes it does take them a day or two or even longer to adjust to their new surroundings. They dont do parlor tricks and if they choose to hold off on interacting, it is their right to do so. They Do Not perform on command. They should be treated with the respect they deserve and patience because in some cases it was not their choice or preference to stay among us.

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I assume you have changed your mind and  I will relist the item

Our family has been doing paranormal investigations for 15+ years. From Eastern State Prison, White Hill Mansion, NJ.,  Salem Ma, Pennhurst Asylum,  Gettysburgh Pa plus many more locations. We’ve collected many haunted items the last 12+ years and at this point although I personally feel an attachment to them, we need to make room for some of our newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Per eBay policy I can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced.