Offered hereis a very beautiful and fine Diana Levin print that features a girl with large  eyes.

There is a  garland of pinkish red flowers in her hair that that complements the deep red  velvet she is wearing.


What makes this print special is that she is actually is holding a large snake that is in twinned around her left wrist and her neck.


With the print is one of the artist’s own business cards that has another work of art on  its front.


In the lower  right corner it is signed in the print (as part of the print.): Diana Levin 2015.  The aforementioned is so dark it does not show in my scans.


I have offered  and sold many prints over the years and this is one of the best indeed…..



The  Image is: 9 & ½” High by 7 & ¼” wide.


The  Paper size is: 11” High by 8 & 1’2’ Wide.


The Business Card: 2” High by 3 & ½” Wide