This  10" Glass / Ceramic figurine was purchased at an estate sale locally. Unsure what her composition is, she does show signs of age, some dings in her paint and is very heavy, over two pounds without a box. The atmosphere in the home was dark, negative and my wife said she wasnt sure if we did find anything with energy if we should even buy it. . As we looked at some of the items, we heard someone breathing behind us, heavy raspy breathes.Turning we found no one there. Cold pockets of air as we walked through and the the presence of someone right behind us the entire time never went away. Picking her up, just holding her gave my wife the chills, she said whoever attached to the vessel wasnt a nice person in life or was just filled with hatred and anger. We do always give spirits the benefit of the doubt and decided to buy her to see if we could offer her some type of relief or solace in her afterlife.

    We let her sit to adjust a day, and through the first evening and night, our home felt as if there was a negative energy, the air was thick and our dogs became agitated. Our cats wouldnt come downstairs.  As we watched TV we heard a bang from the dining room and went in to find her knocked over on the table.We set her back and within a minute, she was down again right after we left the room..The next evening as we turned the equipment on  the k2 kept bouncing between yellow and red and the mel meter rose to 1.9. Turning the spirit box on, without speaking yet we heard what sounded like a low wretched sounding voice come through and the words " Lasting pain". . Our son asked if it was a good spirit or demon and this time the same voice came through and said " End for all".   We decided to remove her, cleanse our home and leave her in our shed. Listening to the EVP's later we heard a response to her name of " May  " ,   " She's gone now " and " Hated " had come through..  We only communicated that once, dont take unnecessary chances so unless she didnt like being taken from her home, we believe she is an ill intentioned spirit or one of evil intent, but no guarantee she may react different in a different environment.we just never tried again . We are unsure if it is actually glass or some type of ceramic.

 Being transparent, I recently started to list some items on this Ebay ID to help my wife. Our main Ebay name is Paranormalfamily, we have been collecting for 12 years, investigating for 15,  but having come across more totes filled, items behind others and still acquiring more regularly, we have run out of room and are putting a lot up for adoption. Unlike some others, the expensive prices dont make an item anymore haunted, we list at the price we pay plus Ebay fees added to recoup our costs only, bidding higher is your choice. We hope that whomever may adopt them,  treats them all with the respect that they deserve, please dont expect parlor tricks, for they will not comply to that and we dont blame them. They are, like us the living, individuals with their own personalities. Thanks!

Per eBay policy we can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced.Spirits interact when they choose to, not when we command them to.