DRINKS AS THEY ARE MIXED – 1934 Edition by Paul E. Lowe

Drinks As They Are Mixed, a manual of quick reference, edited by Paul E. Lowe. 1934 edition, Frederick J. Drake and Company. Tall 12 mo., red illustrated cloth.  135 pages.  A scarce cocktail guide in very good condition.

Paul E. Lowe's guide for bartender's contains nearly 300 alphabetically arranged cocktail recipes for mixing and serving drinks, dating back to the 1890's, as well as recipes for making drinks in bulk for bottling, and selected toasts for all occasions. It is a small volume to be carried in the bartender's vest pocket for quick reference, the first of the cocktail guides to be made in this manner. The cocktail recipes are complimented with amusing and suggestive illustrations of Messrs. G. F. Heublein & Bros. 1934 post-prohibition edition, originally published in 1904.