This is a complete series of Generation Next comic books, issues 1-4, published by Marvel Comics in 1995. The series follows the story of the X-Men and their battle against the evil group, the Marauders. The comics are in a single issue format and are part of the Modern Age era of US comics. The series features the first appearance of several characters, including Cyclops, Wolverine, and Storm. The comics are in a bagged and boarded format and are a first printing. This is a must-have for any Marvel fan or collector of comics.

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Generation Next (1995) # 1 - Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. From The Top; Apocalypse rules the world with an iron hand and only Magneto and his X-Men stand to resist him and his subjugation of all humans; Colossus and Shadowcat train the next generation of the X-Men with heavy handed brutality as the world they live in is just that kind of place; Magneto tells Colossus and Kitty of his visit by Bishop, a mutant from another reality where Xavier did not die; He has decided to go back in time to save Xavier's life but needs a mutant with time traveling powers to do so; He wants Generation Next to get this mutant for him; Their target: Illyana, the little sister Colossus thought was long dead who is a slave of Apocalypse at the Portland Core. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.

Generation Next (1995) # 2 - Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. Hither Comes the Sugar Man!; Generation Next prepares to invade the Portland Core mine to rescue Illyana Rasputin from a life of slavery to Apocalypse; Husk and Vincente succeed in killing and impersonating the mine's foreman, Quietus, while the rest of the team waits in the wings to strike. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse.  1st appearance of the Sugar Man, a monster without any morals originating from the Age of Apocalypse. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.

Generation Next (1995) # 3 - Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. It Only Hurts When I Sing; Generation Next are infiltrating the Portland Core mine to rescue Colossus' sister, Illyana; Husk and Vincente are impersonating the mine foreman, Quietus, but have to convince the real boss, Sugar Man, that they are the real deal; Mondo reaches Illyana and absorbs her into his body; With his sister on the road to freedom, Colossus makes his move; Skin and Chamber are captured and Sugar Man commands Quietus to kill them. Text piece about X-Universe. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.

Generation Next (1995) # 4 - Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. Bye; Colossus and Kitty succeed in rescuing Illyana from the Portland Core mine but lose the entire team of Generation Next kids to do so. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.