Beowulf: A Verse Translation - Daniel Donoghue

Art Nr.: 0393938379

ISBN 13: 9780393938371

SubTitle: A Norton Critical Edition

ReleaseYear: 2019

Published by: W. W. Norton & Company

Edition: Taschenbuch

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 210x129x21 mm

Pages: 344

Weight: 290 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Daniel Donoghue

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This Norton Critical Edition includes:. Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney's poetic translation of the great Anglo-Saxon epic-winner of the Whitbread Prize-along with his translator's introduction.. Detailed explanatory annotations and an introduction to Old English language and prosody by Daniel Donoghue.. More than two dozen visuals, including, new to the Second Edition, a fine selection of objects from the Staffordshire Hoard.. A rich array of Anglo-Saxon and early northern civilisation materials, providing student readers with Beowulf's cultural and historical context.. Nine critical interpretations, three of them new to the Second Edition.. A glossary of personal names and a selected bibliography.