Soviet Communist Propaganda. Letter from veterans of labor, former employees of the Ministry of Social Cooperation  address to cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Size 8” x 11”, 2 pages. comes with envelope 6.1/4” x 4.3/8”. Mint condition. 

Translation of the letter is follow:

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

To the first cosmonaut Comrade Yu. A. Gagarin

To the scientists, engineers, technicians and workers who created the “Vostok “ spacecraft

Veterans of labor, former employees of the Ministry of Social Cooperation, gathered at their meeting on April 14 of this year, are extremely happy and proud that our Soviet man was the first in the history of humanity on Earth to fly into space. This unparalleled feat was accomplished by a citizen of our Motherland, a member of the Communist Party and Komsomol- Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

We all admire the heroism and courage of the first cosmonaut, as well as the brilliant work of the scientists, engineers and workers of our country who created the wonderful Vostok spacecraft.

The Soviet people, building a communist society under the leadership of the Communist Party, first paved the way to the universe.

From the bottom of our hearts, we send warm greetings to the fearless cosmonaut Yuri Gagrin, congratulating him on his successful return to Earth, and hugging him like a father and mother. Shout out to all the spaceship building heroes.

We send our heartfelt greetings to the Communist Party and its central committee, who inspire the working people to new labor feats.

Glory to our Motherland

Glory to our Communist party

Glory to the Soviet People

Glory to the hero Yuri Gagarin

On behalf of the veterans of labor

Presidium of the meeting

Signature ( Ambrutsky)

Signature (romanov)

Signature Samaryadov)