Polish Armoured Trains 1921-1939 Vol. 3
by Adam Jońca

Illustrated by Adam Jońca

Imprint: MMPBooks

156 Pages, 11.8 x 8.2 in, B&W photos, color drawings

March 2024

The third volume in Adam Jońca's series of books covering the use of armoured trains in Poland in the lead-up to World War II.

This book extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign. It delves into the history, organization, and equipment of each individual composition in great detail. Adam Jońca, an undisputed expert on the subject, considers this book, Polish Armored Trains 1921-1939, to be particularly close to his interests. Readers can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter from this well-researched and informative book.

Vol. 3 covers:
2nd Armored train group
Administrative supply trains
Evacuation trains