From Mobile Suit Gundam SEED comes the 9th mobile suit in the RG series, model XGMF-X09A, the Justice Gundam! The latest Real Grade (RG) features the ruby red Justice Gundam from the second half of Gundam Seed! Utilizing the Advanced MS Joint, this 1/144 scale kit features extensive detail and functionality that is typically found in the higher end MG and PG (perfect grade) product lines. The Fantum-00, the trade mark giant backpack, can detach from the Justice Gundam and for the first time ever allow the Justice to ride on top of it thanks to foot clips. All weapons including the shoulder mounted beam boomerangs, beam rifle, beam sabers and movable turrets on the Fantum-00 are faithfully recreated with unprecedented detail. RG's unique slide mechanism is installed in the lifter. The main gun can be moved to the shoulder without attaching or detaching Fatum-00. Also included are hand parts to pair with RG Freedom Gundam to recreate a tender scene from the anime.