Germany - Allied Occupation - Bizone

Deutschland - Alliierte Besetzung - Amerikanische und Britische Zone (Bizone)

The Bizone was the combination of the American and the British occupation zones in Germany on 1 January 1947. 

In the Bizone, in order to indicate that the postage stamps were now denominated in Deutsche Marks, the existing Allied Occupation general issues were overprinted with two types of control marks: 

Type I - single band of posthorns across the middle of the stamp (Bandaufdruck)

Type II - posthorns distributed in a network pattern across the whole stamp (Netzaufdruck)

The stamps overprinted were from the Allied Control Council sets depicting: numeral in oval (Michel 912 / 936); and occupations (Michel 943-958)

Available here is the stamp shown, with Type II overprint.

Michel Catalogue Number: 42 II

Scott DE 623

Yvert et Tellier DE-BIZ 27(I)
Stanley Gibbons DE A59
AFA number DE-AB 7
Unificato DE-BIZ 27/I