Liquidation sale. There will be no more shipments from Russia for the next 5-25 years. Sell only whatever is left over.  

Russian Fedoskino Lacquer Box. Please make a selection and send an email.

If not selected, will ship bf-15

List of available boxes: 

-bf-2.4 Troika

From novel "Dead souls" by Nikolai Gogol:

"... Эх, тройка! птица тройка, кто тебя выдумал? знать, у бойкого народа ты могла только родиться, в той земле, что не любит шутить, а ровнем-гладнем разметнулась на полсвета, да и ступай считать версты, пока не зарябит тебе в очи.

Ah, troika, troika, swift as a bird, who was it first invented you? Only among a hardy race of folk can you have come to birth—only in a land which, though poor and rough, lies spread over half the world, and spans versts the counting whereof would leave one with aching eyes. 

- bf-4.2o  Princess who never laughed

“Nesmeyana” is the name of a princess (Tsarevna) from the Russian folk tales.

The direct translation of the russian word “Nesmeyana” is “she, who never laughed” . 
There is a classical painting of this character
“The Unsmiling Tsarevna (Nesmeyana)."   
by Viktor Vasnetsov

There was once a princess who never smiled or laughed. Her father promised that whoever made her smile could marry her. Many tried, but none succeeded.

Across the town, there was an honest worker who worked hard for his master. At the end of the year, the master put a sack of money before him and told him to take as much as he wanted. To avoid sinning by taking too much, the worker took only one coin. When he went to drink from a well, he dropped the coin and lost it. The next year, the same thing happened to him again. The third year, the worker took just one coin as before, but when he went to drink from the well, he did not lose the coin, and the two coins from the previous years floated up to him. He decided to go and see the world. A mouse asked him for alms; so he gave him a coin. Then he did the same for a beetle and a catfish.

He came to the castle and saw the princess looking at him. This astounded him, and he fell in the mud. The mouse, the beetle, and the catfish came to his aid, and, the princess laughed at their antics. She pointed him out as the man who made her laugh, and when the worker was brought into the castle, he had been turned into a handsome man. The honest worker, now a handsome man, married the princess. 

- bf-5.1;11o;13; 17; 17.1; 25 Russian beauty

- bf-8; 8.1; 10 Ballete; Ballerina
- bf-14 Lad with flute
- bf-15 Fighting Roosters
- bf-15.2 Wedding
-bf-16 Girl with yoke

- bf-19;  Winter, village, Chapel * Size 14x6x3.5 cm

- bf-26 Ivan Tsarevich and Tsar 

 Ivan is the main hero of multiple Russian folktales. He is almost always portrayed either as the third son of a peasant family or as the third son of a king. In the latter stories, he is called Ivan Tsarevich, which means "tsar's son".

- bf-27 Turnip / Repka (SOLD) A grandfather plants a turnip, which grows so large that he cannot pull it up himself. He asks the grandmother for help, and they together still cannot pull it up. Successively their granddaughter and pets are recruited to help, until they finally pull the turnip up together.

 Size 10.5 x 8 x 3 cm * On the back – label “Russian Collection”

Material -  'papier-mâché'; many artists prefer because of its ability to withstand changes in atmospheric conditions and to avoid cracking. It is painted black from outside and red from inside. Then covered with layers of varnish.

Fedoskino is the site of the country's oldest lacquer miniature industry.

In the late 18th century merchant Ivan Korobov set up a factory of lacquer production in the village of Danilkovo (now Fedoskino) near Moscow ,which in the early 19th century was inherited by the son-in-law Peter Lukutin. He increased its out put, and in 1828 earned the right to stamp the inner side of creative quests, perfection of painting technique and decorative ornamentation. The Lukutin's lacquers became known abroad.  More info on

Fedoskino miniature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same or next day shipment from Nevada.