The Antique Curved Silver Cheroot Case, made in Chester in 1918, is a stunning piece of craftsmanship. Weighing 95.9 grams, (3 troy ounces) this cigarette holder is a fine example of the high-quality smoking accessories that were popular in the early 20th century. The silver material gives it a timeless elegance and the curved design makes it easy to hold and use. This cigarette holder is not just a collector's item, it is also a functional piece that can be used to hold and protect your cigarettes, though some people use these as a photo holder. The fact that it was made in the United Kingdom adds to its charm and historical significance. Whether you are a collector or a smoker, this Antique Curved Silver Cheroot Case is a must-have.,
8 cm x 8 cm x 1.6 cm.
3 troy ounces.
Start price is less than current scrap price.