Haunted Paranormal 9" Vintage Estate 1987 Jointed Gund Teddy Bear - Bernard / Bernie -  Happy, positive - shows sign of age and does have something stuck to his fur where a mouth would be. We do not compromise a vessel by trying to remove or clean anything that may have been on when they chose to attach to it.

This adorable guy was purchased at an estate sale outside of Philadelphia. Lovely family who's grandmother and grandfather had passed both within the past year. Years of family memories, some collectibles and a few that were special to them still sitting on shelves in their bedroom. As we walked in the room Bernard, or Bernie as he likes to be called fell off the shelf and landed half way across the room. When I picked him up, that loving energy hit me strong. The hair on my arms stood up and when going to pay them and leave with just him, the woman smiled and said the bear was a gift to their Grandpa from their grandma for a valentines day a long time ago. She used to call him her big cuddle bear.

Bernie sat in our dining room to adjust. Throughout the first evening, we kept hearing noises from the dining room . Our dogs kept running back and forth . Someone kept calling them and they kept responding. During the night, we continued to hear noises and our dogs spent a lot of time in the room with him but the only other noticeable thing was the strong smell of pipe tobacco.

When we started to communicate the next evening, the K2  leveled off at orange. Our Mel meter rose up steadily to .9 with a temperature dropped 6 degrees in the room. When we turned on the spirit box, we said Hello and a few seconds later we got a response of " All good here ". A friendly male voice, sounded like an elderly man.We asked if he was ok coming to our home and he answered " Am so  ".  When we asked name after about a minute he clearly said " Bernie " Through out communicating our dogs stayed in the room with us and on the night vision screen we caught a mist anomaly appear and when it disappeared a large pulsating orb formed and shot off to the side .With the pendulum, asking yes and no questions, we found out, he was a man, his name was Bernie, he had been married, passed in his 80's and was their grandfather. We felt his energy the whole time and at times you'd swear it was like a family member was just hanging out with us . As we reviewed the EVP's later, we heard several responses. Asking about  family " Great life  " and " Loved so" and when he had answered his name of Bernie had also said " Bernard but Bernie ". So we assume he likes the shorter version better. . We feel just a lot of positive energy. He does seem to be a lot happier being in rooms where he is included in daily life among us, other spirit vessels and especially our pets. He loves interacting and is a family oriented loving soul. Sometimes when he gets bored and wants to talk we find him on the floor like we did the day we bought him from his original home. He tips himself off the shelf.

Please note, as some have questioned a spirit not interacting with them in items they have purchased from other sellers, spirits have their own personalities, sometimes it does take them a day or two or even longer to adjust to their new surroundings. They dont do parlor tricks and if they choose to hold off on interacting, it is their right to do so. They Do Not perform on command. They should be treated with the respect they deserve and patience because in some cases it was not their choice or preference to stay among us.

I  do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I will relist the item assuming you have changed your mind

Our family has been doing paranormal investigations for 15+ years. From Eastern State Prison, White Hill Mansion, NJ., Salem Ma, Gettysburgh Pa , Pennhurst Asylum plus many more locations. We’ve collected many haunted items over the past 12+ yrs.  and at this point although I personally feel an attachment to them, we need to make room for some of our newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Per eBay policy I can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced.