Blue Kyanite Earrings

These stunning earrings feature quality Blue Kyanite stones (14mm x 10mm) in Sterling Silver.  

Kyanite is one of only a few stones which never needs to be cleansed. It has the ability to clear and align all chakras, bringing about general balance and well-being. It also helps one to develop the intuition and psychic abilities, and brings a feeling of upliftment to the user. It has been traditionally used for psychic protection.

Kyanites have a high vibration and create very rapid transfers of energy. They open the psychic channels and activate the mind centres, accentuating one's mental capacities and enhancing one's ability to "download" information from higher sources. They can make telepathic communication between individuals easier, especially if both parties are using them. If one chooses to sleep with Kyanite, the process of lucid dreaming will be greatly stimulated.

Kyanite can link the physical, astral, and causal bodies, catalyzing full consciousness in waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. One must work at this, but it is well worth it when the goal is achieved.

Kyanite is a stone of connection, of building bridges of Light between disparate aspects of experience. It can bridge energetic blocks in the aura and emotional blocks between people and can help restructure mental energies and habits that keep one from moving to higher levels of learning. Kyanite's powerful energy creates pathways of energy where before there were none.

Kyanite can assist in negotiations, diplomatic missions, arbitration and other forms of communication between disharmonious people. It acts as an energetic bridge, allowing disparate energies to gently move into resonance and find a common frequency. It can help one find a way into resonance and find a common frequency. It can help one find a way to bridge different beliefs and ideas. It can assist one in finding a way to incorporate all aspects of self into a harmonious whole. Kyanite allows one to forge one's own unique path by bringing together one's various interests, skills and knowledge. This aids in seeing one's unique mosaic of gifts and how they can be used for one's Soul path on Earth.

Kyanite initiates psychic ability, promotes communication with higher beings, and can be used to open the third eye during meditation or healing sessions. Its structure and vibration make it an ideal transmitter of energy from one being to another. It can be used to bridge the energy gaps caused by bone breakage, surgery and other intrusive trauma, assisting nerves and tissues to re-establish pathways through and around the trauma site. It is ideal for working to heal the brain from the effects of head trauma, seizure or stroke. It can aid in creating new neural pathways around damaged areas.

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer. I specialize in high frequency healing stones, and I guarantee that all my crystals are genuine. 

I combine postage.

Crystal and gemstone therapy is not meant to take the place of medical advice or treatment. Rather, it is a useful adjunct to medical or naturopathic care.