Haunted Vintage 7 1/2" Dolls of Fairyland Cinderella Doll - Diane - Angry, unsettled, uncertain   - we believe she is just angry and unsettled among the living, have never had anything malicious occur because of her. Just very unhappy. She sometimes has blinked her eyes rapidly when she is upset during communications. She does have a stain on the bottom front of her dress, comes with her original box.

We purchased this doll at an Oddities shop in Pa. about 2 yrs ago. When we asked about the doll,  they had just gotten her about a week before and unsure if what the young said was true, but he heard a womans voice he described as a shrill tone and sounding very upset saying the words " Not my time" over and over.  He said at times though working in the store among so many strange items he often wondered if it was his imagination. The only thing was with this doll was that one morning opening up, he saw an apparition standing what looked like engulfing the doll on the table, looked as if it was in the womans stomach, seeing it through her blouse.

We kept her in a sealed box as we do with vessels when we travel in our trunk , but it was an unsettling ride home. I could feel an angry negative energy with us.  When we got home, we let her sit a day before communicating. The atmosphere became heavy and our pets seemed distraught by something and became agitated.  Through the night, being a sensitive, I couldnt sleep, There was something with me, an energy that wanted me to know it was angry. Gave up and coming down in the middle of the night was joined by our daughter and one son who said he kept hearing a woman talking. Thought it was me outside his door so got out of bed to find no one.

As we turned our equipment on the next evening, everything started spiking. K2 to yellow and orange,  mel meter rose to 1.6 and we had to turn the light up cat ball off because it wouldnt stop. As we turned the spirit box on we heard a low  voice but couldnt make out what it was saying. Was repeating itself over and over. Reminded us of what the shop employee had said about her repeating " Not my time".. We asked if the spirit was a good entity or evil. As we waited for a response, our spirit box started to make a high piercing squeal which we never heard happen before.  Asking again with the spirit box good or evil got the response this time of " Not good". We asked again its intent and the words "  dont wanna  " came through. We believe she was just telling us that she wasnt doing good and didnt want to be among the living. As we decided to end for the night, we saw a figure standing between our son and our daughter with our own eyes, no night vision needed. A woman looking very unhappy.  When we listened to our EVP's later we heard her response of name " Diane" and when asking why she was still among us her response had been " dont know kids". Possible saying she stayed because of children she had but never got an answer as to having kids or how many.  We hope if she feels more of a connection to someone they can find more out and try to help ease her transition of either staying among us or moving on.

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I will relist the item.

Please note, as some have questioned a spirit not interacting with them in items they have purchased from other sellers, spirits have their own personalities, sometimes it does take them a day or two or even longer to adjust to their new surroundings. They dont do parlor tricks and if they choose to hold off on interacting, it is their right to do so. They Do Not perform on command. They should be treated with the respect they deserve and patience because in some cases it was not their choice or preference to stay among us.I can only include in the listings what we've experienced, not what we might suspect.

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I will relist the item assuming you changed your mind..

Our family has been doing paranormal investigations for 15+ years. From Eastern State Prison, White Hill Mansion, NJ., Salem Ma, Gettysburgh Pa , Pennhurst Asylum plus many more locations. We’ve collected many haunted items  over the past 12+ yrs. and at this point although I personally feel an attachment to them, we need to make room for some of our newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Per eBay policy I can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced for entertainment purposes only.