This 12" Doll, was purchased at a local Estate Sale. We ended up there on the last day with not much left in the home. She must have had a large collection but all that was left was some doll stands and 3 dolls. As we walked towards the table they layed on, we heard a knocking noise or taps and as we got closer noticed Betty's foot moving. No reason for movement other than her doing it. She wanted to be noticed. I picked her up to hand to my wife an the immediate rush I got , strong energy coming from her. When my wife took her, she said " Yep, she's got a passenger who needs to come home with us".

    When we got home we sat her in our dining room till we'd communicate and it did seem that throughout the first evening, we all heard taps coming from the room.  When we went in, we noticed she had been repositioned, instead of sitting straight up she was part way down from movement. We ended up bringing her in the room with us and my wife said she could feel her happiness being among people again. She had been alone in that house since her owners passing. With our equipment, she lit our k2 to yellow and orange and had the mel meter rise up to .5 with a temperature drop of 5 degrees.You can see by her photos how she bounces the k2.  Reviewing the EVP's later, her response to name was " Betty May ", and when we asked good or evil she said " Good heart ". Throughout communicating she also had our cell phones lighting up and we found her part way down as she obviously continued to move herself. Through the night vision screen we did catch her several times moving her leg slowly, we could hear the tap and it was when she was interacting with us with the equipment. The EVP's in a later session with her gave us another answer.," Wonderful kids " when we asked about having children. She is high energy, all positive and loves being around our pets and other spirits. She does enjoy being able to move from room to room to stay among us, the living, she enjoys being a companion. We have seen what appears as her expression changing, becoming brighter and smiling.

 Being transparent, I recently started to list some items on this Ebay ID to help my wife. Our main Ebay name is Paranormalfamily, we have been collecting for 12+ years, investigating for 15+,  but having come across more totes filled, items behind others and still acquiring more regularly, we have run out of room and are putting a lot up for adoption. Unlike some others, the expensive prices dont make an item anymore haunted, we list at the price we pay plus Ebay fees added to recoup our costs only, bidding higher is your choice. We hope that whomever may adopt them,  treats them all with the respect that they deserve, please dont expect parlor tricks, for they will not comply to that and we dont blame them. They are, like us the living, individuals with their own personalities. Due to the rise of people bidding just because something has an attachment and then not completing transaction. If we dont hear from you regarding payment and interest in the item within 3 days, we will relist and cancel the order. Bidding because its cool, isnt cool if you have no intentions of adopting.  Thanks!

Per eBay policy we can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced.Spirits interact when they choose to, not when we command them to.