A Vindication of the Church and Clergy

Of England

From the Charges Contained in the "Epistle Dedicatory,"

By William Howitt,

Prefixed to the New Edition of the

Memoirs of the Life of John Roberts

By the Rev. Joseph Oldknow, B.A.

Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge,

And Curate of Nevill-Holt and Welham,


Published 1834 London:

Longman And Co.:

And Hicklin And Co. Nottingham 

A fascinating 19th century pamphlet. 61 pages. Text in English.

This pamphlet penned by Rev. Joseph Oldknow offers a rebuke and a response to William Howitt's "Epistle Dedicatory" which made charges against the Church and Clergy of England of being "a great and insatiable vampire," and "existing in worldliness of pomp and wealth," and having "gross corruptions, absurd dogmas, cold despotism, and sneering insolence, fatal alike to the growth of true liberty and true religion."

Rev Oldknow opens his response with a quote that "it is sufficiently clear that insult takes the place of reasoning, and abuse supplies the absence of argument." He continues, "It, therefore becomes necessary to let no false accusation pass without answer, no mis-representation remain uncorrected; and it is under the influence of this conviction, that I have undertaken to expose and refute the unfounded and malignant statements of Mr Howitt's "Epistle Dedicatory"

William Howitt was a prolific writer from the town of Nottingham. Rev. Joseph Oldknow had spent much of his life in the town of Nottingham. The pamphlet was printed in Nottingham as Rev Joseph Oldknow wished to interact directly with the readership of William Howitt whose greatest numbers were assumed to be resident's of the author's hometown.

The pamphlet has been well cared for and is in fine condition. There is an embossed stamp of the Nottingham Public Library to the top right corner. The wraps are missing, however, at 190 years of age, it is clean, tight, and sound. The pamphlet is attractive on display and offers a pleasing and unique age patina. Minor shelf wear, though present, is forgivable and easy to overlook.

Pamphlet Measures 7 x 4 inches