El Chef Yisus, de Despierta America, te invita a preparar recetas faciles y cotidianas, y te revela sus secretos para que tu tambien cocines como un chef.

A traves de estas paginas, el Chef Yisus se cuela en tu cocina para ayudarte a preparar platos exquisitos de manera facil y divertida. Cada receta esta sazonada con fragmentos de su historia personal: los sabores de su infancia, las comidas de sus primeros anos como emigrante, su experiencia en la television y, por supuesto, su vida en familia.

Con ingredientes cotidianos e instrucciones paso a paso, el Chef Yisus te demostrara que eres capaz de hacer comidas apetitosas que fusionan tradicion e innovacion. En Cocina delicioso, aprenderas que la avena es el ingrediente mas versatil y que, increiblemente, hay muchas maneras de preparar un huevo frito; notaras que el ajiaco sabe a musica colombiana y Francia, a queso con nueces; y descubriras que la lasana puede ser de yuca y las empanadas, de lentejas. Asi, entre receta y receta, este libro te llevara en un recorrido bien condimentado por los sabores de tu memoria.

"?Te atreves a cocinar conmigo? !Vamos, te invito a entrar a mi cocina y a mi vida!". -Chef Yisus


Beloved Chef Yisus from Univision's morning TV show Despierta America, invites you to prepare easy recipes that you can whip up on a daily basis. He also reveals the history behind each one his secrets so that you too can cook like a chef.

Through this book, Chef Yisus sneaks into your kitchen to help you prepare exquisite dishes in an easy and fun way. Each recipe is seasoned with dashes from his memories and personal stories: flavors from his childhood, the meals of his first years as an emigrant, his experiences on television, and of course, his family life.

With everyday ingredients and step-by-step instructions, Chef Yisus will help you make delicious meals that fuse tradition and innovation. In Cook Deliciously with Chef Yisus, you will learn that oatmeal is a very versatile ingredient and that, incredibly, there are many ways to fry an egg; you will notice that the Colombian soup ajiaco tastes like Colombian music, and France like cheese with nuts; you will discover that lasagna can be prepared with cassava instead of pasta, and that empanadas can be made of lentil. Thus, with each recipe this book will take you on a well-seasoned tour through the flavors of your memory.

Do you dare to cook with him? Come on, he's inviting you to come into his kitchen and his life!