• Öl auf Leinwand, 1930-59. 
  • Signiert Laur(its) Larsen (1898-1988), verzeichneter dänisher Kunstler.
  • Studienreisen nach Holland, Spanien und Marokko 1927–28, Frankreich 1931–32, 1936–37, Italien und Frankreich 1937.
  • Ausstellungen seit 1922.
  • 81.25 x 77.5 cm / 90.25 x 86.5 cm incl. Rahmen.  
  • Das Gemälde ist in einem sehr guten Zustand. Der Rahmen ist eine kostenlose Zugabe.

  • Original oil painting on canvas from 1930-59.
  • Signed Laur(its) Larsen (1898-1988), listed Danish artist.
  • Study trips to Holland, Spain and Marocco 1927-28, France 1931-32, 1936-37, Italy and France 1937.
  • Exhibitions since 1922.
  • Size: 32" by 30.5", add 3.5" for the frame.
  • Painting is in a very good condition, some age related cracks. Frame is in very good condition, some minor signs of age. Please note, that since we are not in the framing business, the frames are sold as is - we see them only as an "addition" to the painting. We pack very carefully to avoid canvas and frame damage in the transport.
  • Payments by installments is a possibility.
  • We offer combined shipping - get in touch for a precise quote.