Classic Science Texts & Essays


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The books are sorted on the disc for easy access

By Author
By Title

in ePub and Mobi formats.

Included also is an easy to use conversion tool
This will convert any book into any other format ready for your device.

You wont be disappointed for the money


A Book of Exposition - Homer Heath Nugent

A Catechism of the Steam Engine - John Bourne

A Practical Physiology - Albert F. Blaisdell

Adaptation As a Process - by Professor Harry Beal Torrey

An Essay on the Shaking Palsy - James Parkinson

An Investigation into the Nature of Blac - Archibald Makellar

Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine - George M. Gould

Bramble-Bees and Others - J. Henri Fabre

British Airships, Past_Present_Future - George Whale

Cattle and Their Diseases - Robert Jennings

Chariots for Apollo - Courtney Brooks_ James Grimwood

Contact Electrification and the Electric - Professor Fernando Sanford

Critiques and Addresses - Thomas Henry Huxley

Curiosities of the Sky - Garrett P. Serviss

DAEDALUS - J. B. S. Haldane

Darwiniana - Thomas Henry Huxley

Darwiniana_ Essays and Reviews Pertainin - Asa Gray

Dinosaurs - William Diller Matthew

Discourses - Thomas H. Huxley

Disturbances of the Heart - Oliver T. Osborne

Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays - Thomas H. Huxley

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - John. B. Smith

Facts and Arguments for Darwin - Fritz Muller

Familiar Letters on Chemistry - Justus Liebig

Flying Machines_ Construction and Operat - W.J. Jackman

General Course of Evolutionary Process - Unknown

Glaucoma - Various

Guano - Solon Robinson

Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shr - A. D. Webster

Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowe - John Wood

Hasisadra's Adventure - Thomas Henry Huxley

ICARUS - Bertrand Russell

Lectures and Essays - T.H. Huxley

Lectures on Evolution - Thomas Henry Huxley

Lectures on Stellar Statistics - Carl Vilhelm Ludvig Charlier

Louis Agassiz_ His Life and Corresponden - Louis Agassiz

Marvels of Modern Science - Paul Severing

More Hunting Wasps - J. Henri Fabre

Mr. Gladstone and Genesis - Thomas Henry Huxley


On Certain Resemblances Between the Eart - Professor A. C. Lane

On the Method of Zadig - Thomas Henry Huxley

On the Origin of Species by Means of Nat - Charles Darwin

Organic Syntheses - James Bryant Conant_ Editor

Physical Conditions Govern Appearances o - Anonymous

Physics and Politics - Walter Bagehot

Preventable Diseases - Woods Hutchinson

Project Mercury - A Chronology - NASA

Psychotherapy - Hugo Munsterberg

Reflections On The Decline Of Science In - Charles Babbage

Report on Surgery to the Santa Clara Cou - Joseph Bradford Cox

Researches on Cellulose - C. F. Cross

Science and Education - Thomas H. Huxley

Side-Lights On Astronomy - Simon Newcomb

Sidelights on Relativity - Albert Einstein

Six Lectures on Light - John Tyndall

SP-4221 The Space Shuttle Decision - Nasa

Species and Varieties, Their Origin by M - Hugo DeVries

The Aeroplane Speaks - Horatio Barber

The Chemical History of A Candle - Michael Faraday

The Earth as Modified by Human Action - George P. Marsh

The Einstein Theory of Relativity - H.A. Lorentz

The Elements of Geology - W. H. Norton

The Evolution of Man, V.1_ - Ernst Haeckel

The Evolution of Man, V.2 - Ernst Haeckel

The Evolution of Modern Medicine - William Osler

The Evolution of Theology_ An Anthropolo - Thomas Henry Huxley

The Expression of Emotion in Man and Ani - Charles Darwin

The Foundations of the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

The History of a Mouthful of Bread - Jean Mace

The Interpreters of Genesis and the Inte - Thomas Henry Huxley

The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Hux - Leonard Huxley

The Life of the Bee - Maurice Maeterlinck

The Life of the Fly - J. Henri Fabre

The Life of the Spider - J. Henri Fabre

The Lights of the Church and the Light o - Thomas Henry Huxley

The Mind and the Brain - Alfred Binet

The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals - William T. Hornaday

The Naturalist in Nicaragua - Thomas Belt

The Naturalist on the River Amazons - Henry Walter Bates

The Origin and Nature of the Emotions - George W. Crile

The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 - J. Arthur Thomson

The Rise and Progress of Palaeontology - Thomas Henry Huxley

The Sceptical Chymist - Robert Boyle

The Story of a Piece of Coal - Edward A. Martin

The Story Of Electricity - John Munro

The Story of Evolution - Joseph McCabe

The Story Of Germ Life - H. W. Conn

The Story of the Herschels - Anonymous

The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla - Nikola Tesla

The Student's Elements of Geology - Sir Charles Lyell

The Wonders of Instinct - J. H. Fabre

Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 - James Hutton

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creat - Robert Chambers

Why Certain Plants Are Acrid - Professor William B. Lazenby


Young's Demonstrative Translation of Sci - Daniel Young

The disc also includes several Audiobooks  from the titles listed

Did you know you can play audiobooks on your Kindle ebook reader..!

The recording is on a high quality printed DVD disc and supplied in paper/plastic sleeve which makes a lovely present for any loved ones!


To Whom It May Concern (inc. Ebay’s VeRo Team and The Publishers Association).

These CD’s are made from files originating from librivox and Gutenberg e-Text and  are in the public domain.

Although LibriVox condones the selling of these CD’s, it has nothing to do with the selling of these CD’s.