A useful portable desktop instrument that instantly identifies diamonds, moissanites and colored gemstones based on their Refractive Index.

By accurately measuring the quantity of light reflected through the stone, Presidium Refractive Index Meter II (PRIM II) is able to separate diamonds, moissanites and other colored gemstones via its Refractive Index (RI) on flat surfaces of polished gemstones.

Unlike a traditional refractometer, PRIM II is able to measure the range of RI value from 1.000 to ~3.000, therefore covering the commonly known gemstones in the market, including diamonds and moissanites.

In addition, a fast and easy test can be done, without the inconvenience and messy usage of RI liquid.

Features complementary free software that includes a more comprehensive chart of refractive indices to help identify the stone. User can also use the software to enter further known characteristics of the stone and further information of gemstone properties, origin can also be found in the library software.