1 Nickel Dreidel


Traditional Jewish Engraved Nickel Dreidel,

 with Artistic Design of Jerusalem and Tower of David - 

Representing the Tradition from within Israel for Hanukkah 


Size of each Dreidel:

4cm  Maximum Height.

1.9cm Width.

The dreidel or sevyvon is a four-sided top, and is a game traditionally played during the holiday of Hanukkah / Chanukah.

The connection to the game of dreidel goes back to the time of the Temple when the Jews were prohibited from studying Torah. They needed a way to hide their Torah learning and dreidel was often used as a decoy. When they saw others coming, the Jews would hide their Torah books and take out their dreidels, thus tricking them that they were just playing a simple harmless game.

It is said that the entire world is like a spinning dreidel with everything constantly revolving and changing from one thing into the next - the first becomes last and the last becomes first - from top to bottom and from bottom to top. 

This dreidel is traditional for celebrating Hanukkah from within Israel and contains the Hebrew letters - Nun, Gimmel Heh and Peh - which stand for "Nes Gadol Hayah Poh" - 'A great miracle happened here'. 

How To Play The Draydel Game:

  • Everyone begins with an equal number of pennies, buttons, chips-poker or chocolate.
  • Everyone puts a penny in the center.
  • The youngest player goes first by spinning the draydel. The letter facing up tells what to do.
  • The one with the most pennies at then end of the game wins. When there's no money left, start the game again.
  • Nun - Do nothing. Next player goes.
  • Gimel - Take all the money!
  • Hey - Take half the money.
  • Shin - Pay in two pennies.

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