Keep-A-Petâ„¢ is a once-a-day spray you add to your pet's food. This product can be used on cats, dogs, horses, ferrets, pigs, rabbits, and exotic game pets (everything except fish). This revolutionary telomere-extending and anti-oxidant product will, in theory, significantly extend the healthy lifespan of your pet! Each Keep A Pet Pen Sprayer contains over 200 sprays of a telomere-extending, anti-oxidation supplement backed by the latest anti-aging technology. We extract specific telomere lengthening enzymes and peptides from select porcine organs, combine that with Melatonin (a powerful anti-oxidant) and the result is a potent nutritional supplement for your pets! Keep-A-Pet Food Sprayer 10 mL

                    *These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

*Keep-A-Pet is sold as a dietary supplement only, and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease or illnesses