Contains 50 x 3g solo powder shots
Each sachet makes 600ml of electrolyte replenishing hydration drink
Flavours: Orange, Lemon/Lime, Tropical, Wild Berry, Blue Lemonade
Sugar free, Gluten free, Caffeine free

What does THORZT stand for?

Technically advanced

Hydration drink

Optimal fluid retention

Replenishment instantly

Zest for productivity

Tastes sensational

What does Thorzt mean?

1. (thor-sst) noun - An industrial strength thirst. Give me a drink to satisfy my Thorzt!

2. A technically advanced re hydration formula designed specifically for Australian conditions.

Dehydration is common when you're maxin out, working in tough conditions. The familiar sensation of shortness of breath, a pounding heart, cotton mouth, sweating so much you could fill a kiddie's paddle pool and to top it off, you have a thirst that's more powerful than usual - it's an industrial strength thirst, it's a Thorzt!

The effects of heat stress and dehydration can cause fatigue, illness and lack of concentration, resulting in careless work practices causing accidents and worse.

An active body requires fluids for peak performance and not just any fluids, a formulated blend of electrolytes to assist your body to perform vital functions and keep you on top of your game.