GUITAR SHIELDING FOIL - With Conductive Adhesive

Reduce Hum & Buzz in your Guitar or Bass

  • Self-adhesive copper foil, 40 micron
  • Reduces EMI / RFI induced noise
  • Sheet size 30cm x 20cm (approx. 12" x 8")
  • Includes full-colour illustrated instructions
  • Also good for shielding FX pedals and equipment cases
Available in packs of 1,2, 3, 4 or 5 sheets - select the pack size from the drop-down menu. One sheet is enough for the pick-guard on a typical three-single-coil-pickups guitar. If you are shielding the whole guitar with foil then you'll usually need 2-3 sheets dependent on the guitar.
It can also be used for shielding equipment cases and repairing or prototyping PCB tracks.

This version of the foil has a conductive adhesive, so that continuity is maintained simply by sticking it to itself! If you are shielding pickup cavities using only copper instead of shield paint  this a huge time-saver as there is no need to spot-solder the foil pieces together to make a continuous shield.

We also offer a version of this foil with standard adhesive - for this and a  full range of shielding kits, conductive graphite paint and accessories please see our other items in our eBay shop. If you are not sure what you need, please send a message and we'll help you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How does it work?

A. To get a good sound from your guitar you probably spent money on a decent cable to plug it in to your amp. That cable will have a heavy copper shield to prevent the central "hot" wire (that carries the guitar signal) from picking up noise in the form of hum, buzz and radio transmissions etc. Unfortunately, it's very likely that  on the inside of the the guitar the hot wire, pickups and controls will be completely unshielded, because the guitar is effectively a box made of wood and plastic, both good insulators. Covering the inside of the pickup and control cavities with foil and/or conductive paint and connecting it to the ground wire continues the screening effect of the cable inside the guitar,  greatly reducing the background noise - especially on guitars fitted with single coil pickups.  Any noise that would previously have been picked up and amplified along with the guitar signal is now mostly shunted to ground, giving a much cleaner signal.

Q. What are the benefits?
A. In a live situation, buzzing and hum from lighting dimmers and mains transformers is greatly reduced. In the studio, the improved signal to noise ratio makes everything easier— you'll spend less time walking around the room or spinning on a chair trying to find the sweet-spot where the noise nulls out! And the guitar just sounds better - low level harmonics that were previously buried in the mains hum and noise are now audible, making the overall sound richer and more dynamic.

Q. I have an expensive guitar - surely it was shielded at the factory?
Maybe....... ;-)  I've been recording guitars for over 20 years - when someone walks into the studio and takes a strat or tele out of its box you never know quite what to expect. Don't assume that expensive guitars will be shielded properly - most mainstream manufacturers do little or nothing to shield their guitars regardless of price, although some are starting to now. The screening on some £1000+ guitars really is almost non-existent, and you can probably guess which manufacturer is the worst off-ender  ;-)

Q. Is there a way of hearing the likely improvement before fitting a shielding kit?
We have a demo on youtube - just search for catmusic99

Please Note: All guitars are different. The degree of noise reduction you obtain from fitting this foil will depend on several factors, e.g. pickup type, internal wiring layout, and any shielding already fitted (existing shielding paint may not be obvious), so please check your guitar before buying, and if in doubt contact us for advice. You are purchasing self-adhesive copper foil with instructions ONLY. Any other items shown in photographs are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the sale.