These "handy" devices do the work of many!

Want to rehabilitate or strengthen your fingers, wrist, and forearm? To combine exercise and resistance to achieve full range of motion? To isolate a single finger or exercise both hands at once? The versatile Power Web's do all this while accommodating different strength levels as well. Buying in a kit like this will allow you to move up the resistances at your own pace.

Kit Options:

Power Web Jr.

This smaller 7" version is designed for smaller hands and for folks on the go-just drop in briefcase or bag and you're set.

Using the Power Web Jr, you can you duplicate virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, opposition, abduction, pronation and supination. Need greater or less resistance? Just adjust your hand position and or the depth of finger insertion. Easy and fun to use. Comes with a detailed and illustrated exercise manual. Latex-Free. Available in three progressive resistances:

Kit includes:
# yellow/light
# red/medium
# green/firm

Power Web Senior

The Senior POWER-WEBs are 14" in diameter and weigh sixteen ounces. Their unique patented design allows a variety of exercises to be performed comfortably and effectively. Constructed of high quality rubber with special agents added for durability and strength, the POWER-WEB will last for years (with proper use and care).

Kit Includes

Level 0 - Beige
Beginners, stroke patients, persons with serious hand injuries, establishing range of motion.

Level 1 - Yellow
Children, geriatrics, beginning strength programs, athritics, carpel tunnel.

Level 2 - Red
Most popular for all around use - such as strengthening, flexibility, injury rehabilitation, sports, fitness.

Level 3 - Green
For more advanced rehabilitation, sports, strengthening, fitness, injury prevention.

Level 4 - Blue
Sports strengthening for all major sports - for those that want to build real strength, very popular for pro sports training.

Level 5 - Black
A real challenge for advanced strengthening, used where hand strength is vital - such as karate, weight lifters, golf, baseball, football.

How to choose which web is best for you:
Light webs are ideal for gentle stretching and full range of motion exercises. Use them to help restore circulation to muscles and decrease irritation of nerves and muscles of an overused joint.

Heavier webs offer greater resistance for advanced rehabilitation and general hand strengthening. They are good for moderate range of motion.