1937 Nazi  Germany 2 Rentenmark Banknote
The Rentenmark  was a currency issued  to stop the hyperinflation of 1922 and 1923  in Germany The newly created Rentenmark replaced the old Papiermark. Because of the economic crisis in Germany after World War I, there was no gold available to back the currency.  The new currency was backed by the land used for agriculture and business. This was mortgaged (Rente is a technical term for mortgage in German) to the tune of 3.2 billion Goldmarks. Notes worth 3.2 billion Rentenmarks were issued. The Rentenmark was introduced at a rate of one Rentenmark to equal one million million old marks, with an exchange rate of one United States dollar to equal 4.2 Rentenmarks. This p[articular banknote was issued in 1937 under Nazi regime The last Rentenmark notes were valid until 1948.