A brand new tomato released out of Oregon State University that is one of the first known tomatoes producing a true blue. The remarkable fruits contain anthocyanin, the natural, purple pigment in eggplants. Fruits grow to about 2 oz and ripen to dark purple in direct sunlight. Their colour is unlike anything ever seen in a tomato. Insides are red, with a typical tomato flavour.

Sow in spring 1/2 inch deep in good quality seed compost. Place in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill.  Germination takes around 7-21 days at 70-80F.

Transplant the seedlings when large enough. Acclimatise them to outdoor conditions when all frosts have passed. Plant out 18 inches apart in a warm and sunny spot in moist, fertile well drained soil and water well.

Additional rare and unusual seed varieties are constantly being added. To check out our shop CLICK HERE to see some of our other seeds.