
1.Name: Milk Oolong Tea

2.Origin: Tai Wan, China

3.Type:Loose/Milk Oolong



6.Rating: (4 out of 5)

About JinXuan Milk Tea:

Jin Xuan Milk tea is a 1980 developed variety of Oolong tea. The tea is also known as # 12 or as "Milk Oolong" (Nai Xiang). It from Taiwan. The taste is light and flowery and sometimes referred to milk. This tea variety can be grown at higher attitudes and the yield is about 20% higher compared to traditional tea varieties. These circumstances made it become one of the most popular varieties among tea farmers in Taiwan. Jin Xuan tea has light-green, oval-shaped leaves, and is resistant to a wide variety of diseases and pests while producing a greater yield than other varietals.

Jinxuan milk tea is processed by unique craft to combine milk fragrance and natural tea fragrance together. After high temperature brewing, the first three cups are full of pure milk flavor; following cups are full of natural tea fragrance; if smell carefully, it still has light orchid aroma. It is famous for its beautiful name and unique quality.

dry tea with milk aroma comes into nostrils; appearance is tight and heavy. Tea water is honey yellow; aromatic, mellow, sweet, milk flavor fragrant and pleasant.

Functions of JinXuan Milk tea:

1.Anti-ageness; 2.Anti-cancer; 3.prevent arteriosclerosis; 4.avoid diabetes; 5.lose weight and strengthen the body; 6.prevent tooth decay; 7.anti-bacteria and treat diarrhoea; 8.reduce fever and remove pathogenic fire; 9.refresh and improve memory and concentration; 10.sober up and quit smoking.
Brewing JinXuan Milk tea in Western Style:

To enjoy the perfect Chinese taste in Western style, everything you use to brew JinXuan Milk tea, must be perfect as well. Get the teapot which can hold the extra leaves as to get the rich taste, a little extra leaves are required. Normally 2 to 3 tea spoons are enough for half liter water but you can change as per your taste. Now pour the water of 100 ºC and wait for 3 to 5 minutes and then the richest taste of Milk tea is ready to be served.

Brew JinXuan Milk tea in Classic Chinese - Gongfu Way:

The traditional brewing way of JinXuan Milk Tea is called "Gongfu". Classic Chinese way of brewing JinXuan Milk tea requires lots of preparation prior, while and after brewing the tea. First of all you need the complete traditional Chinese Tea set which includes Sand-Fired pot, a tray, tea holder, Pinming cup, fragrance smelling cup, filter, shelf, spoons, funnel and the tea container. The most important is Sand-Fired pot which gives the whole process the traditional Chinese look.


Get sealed and put in the cool cold place or refrigerator, with the tempreture of 0-18 degrees(Attention must be paid to: make sure the tea is sealed up, meanwhile can not put together with another odor, in case of taint of odour.

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