Vincent Haddelsey

Signée en bas à droite
Numérotée sur 30 exemplaires
Justifiée E.A.
Format 55 x 90 cm
Traces de manipulation visibles


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Galerie Montfort 64-66 Passage Jouffroy 75009 PARIS

Vincent Haddelsey (born 1934 in Grimsby, England; according to other sources, in 1929 in Lincolnshire, England), was an English painter. Haddelsey comes from a family of lawyers: his father, grandfather and great-grandfather all worked in the legal profession. His two grandmothers were gifted painters.

Haddelsey went to school in Ampleforth in Yorkshire, England, but taught himself most of his art.

In his work, he focuses in particular on landscapes and horses.

In 1965 Haddelsey travelled to Mexico, where he intended to paint members of the Charros tribe. He took part in a rodeo and was as a result invited to become the member of a Mexican association of elite horsemen

In 1969 he won the Great Prize of Lugano for his naive art.

In 1980, Vincent Haddelsey went on a journey to Inner Mongolia, where he studied and painted the Mongolian Pony. Various paintings resulted from this trip.

Haddelsey died on 29 August 2010 in Paris.