A nice 3D picture of two Large Parrots sitting on a branch that changes to a picture of three Small Parrots as you move your head to either side. The 3D effect of this picture is quite impressive.

The reflections on the pictures are from the camera and are not on the originals. The colour on the originals are much brighter and sharper - the camera lens gets confused by the 3D image!

Printed on the same stiff, plastic board as most of the other 3D pictures to be found here it but at just under 25cm x 35cm (250mm x350mm) it is bigger as well as being cheaper than most of the competition.

The photographs of the pictures do not and cannot show the impressive 3D qualities that the originals contain. These photographs are not copied from a catalogue but taken by ourselves in an attempt to show you the two scenes that can be seen in most of the pictures.

 Have a look in our shop where there are more 3D pictures for sale - just click on the 3D pictures link on the left.