Endosterol Prostate Therapy 

Endosterol suppositories provide state of the art herbal 
supplementation to support improved health. 

Endosterol contains the highest grade beta sitosterol, 
saw palmetto, pumpkin seed extract, quercetin, ellagic acid and ginko biloba available. 
These ingredients have historically been used to support 
prostate health, resolve inflammation, improve immune function and support female health.

Endosterol Chelation Therapy

Phytosterol blend (Beta sitosterol, sitostanol, campesterol, Campestanol) : 

Beta sitosterol Is the common denominator found in saw palmetto, 
pygeum africanum, pumpkinseed oil and stinging nettles. 
Beta-sitosterol is an extremely effective, natural treatment for an enlarged prostate. 

Sitostanol: Reduces serum cholesterol. i.e, a cholesterol blocker. 

Campesterol and Campestanol: Inhibit intestinal cholesterol absorption. 

Saw Palmetto extract: Is an extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens. It is rich in fatty acids 
and phytosterols, and has shown promise in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. 
Saw palmetto extract reduces hypertrophy of the prostate 

Pumpkin Seed extract: Long believed to be a folk remedy for prostate problems, 
it has in fact been shown to combat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Pumpkin seed oil 
extracts contains fatty acids which help maintain healthy blood vessels and nerves, 
and are loaded with essential fatty acids that help to maintain healthy blood vessels, nerves and tissues 

Quercetin: It is a Flavonoid, which can be used to reduce allergy symptoms, and reduce 
inflammation associated with arthritis and prostatitis. Quercetin serves as an 
antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals throughout the body. Quercetin 
improves pain and other symptoms in men with chronic inflammation of the prostrate, which is also known as prostatitis. 

Dandelion extract: It has been used as a medicine for conditions such as fevers, diarrhea,
fluid retention, breast problems and liver diseases. Its main use as an ergogenic aid is as a 
diuretic, to decrease water retention. The leaves contain substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, 
and B complex as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, chlorine, calcium, boron, and silicon. 

Sunflower Lecithin: Is regarded as a surfatant, emulsifier, or lubricant. Non-toxic to humans, and can be metabolized by the body. 

Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA: Magnesium D-Potassium EDTA is used for suppository chelation. 
It is safe for adults who may be on a sodium-restricted diet, and for those who use calcium channel
blockers, since it is calcium free. It is recommended that all users take a calcium supplement 
12 after hours taking Endosterol Prostrate Therapy since Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA can help mobilize 
dystrophic calcium from the body soft tissues. 

Ellagic acid: Contains a naturally occurring phenolic compound that has very strong 
anti-oxidant properties and is also a potent anti-carcinogen. Naturally found in fruits, it also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. 

Ginko biloba: Used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorder and to enhance memory. 
Also improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.


Endosterol suppositories offer state of the art prostate support. Endosterol contains beta-sitosterol,
saw palmetto, pumpkin seed, dandelion, ellagic acid and Mg Di-K EDTA. Beta sitosterol is both an 
aromatase and 5-alpha reductase inhibitor thus decreasing the conversion of testosterone to both 
estrogen and Di-hydro testosterone. Ellagic acid has been shown to induce aptosis in prostate and 
other cancer cell lines within 48 hours. Due to the rectum’s immediate proximity to the prostate, 
Endosterol delivers its benefits much more efficiently than oral preparations.

Hair Loss

Excessive levels of Di-Hydro Testosterone (DHT) is now recognized as the the main cause of male hair 
loss. DHT is created by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase upon normal testosterone and levels
increase with age. Beta-sitosterol is a natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and may help slow and/or
reverse hair loss by reducing DHT levels in the body.


Beta sitosterol has been clinically shown to both decrease LDL cholesterol as well as lower triglyceride levels. 
Beta-sitosterol is also an excellent adjunctive therapy to chelation as it has been shown to decrease the 
fatty component of atherosclerotic plaque.


In nature, the inflammation pathway is controlled through the fats and oils in our diet. Certain oils 
and fats increase inflammation and others decrease it. Both saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extracts 
have been shown to support decreased inflammation via inhibition of the COX and lipoxygenase pathways.

Immune System

While most people believe that a stronger immune system is a better immune system, the truth is 
that what we really want is a strong and balanced immune system. A person suffering from allergies 
has an unbalanced immune system as does a person suffering from an autoimmune disease. 
Increasing the strength of the immune system without first balancing it can make symptoms 
worse than before. Beta sitosterol has been shown to both support an increase in immune 
function and balance immune function at the same time.

Female Health 

While saw palmetto is well known for its beneficial effects on the prostate, it also has a long 
history of being used for female disorders. Herbalists have used saw palmetto to support 
women's bodies in resolving issues associated fertility, milk flow, libido, menstrual 
irregularities, fluid retention and pelvic inflammatory conditions for centuries.