Zeolite small granular 25 pounds with FAST shipping

 Zeolite consists of a unique mineral called Zeolite Clinoptilolite which is of volcanic origin.
 The material is a pale-green, small-sized granular product.

Specifications for Zeolite  Clinoptilolite

Mineral Component:

Typical 85% Balance opaline silica

General Formula:

(Na, K, Ca)2-3Al3(Al, Si)2Si13O36-12H2O
Cation Exchange Capacity: 180 to 195 meq/100 grams (as ammonium, -N)
Maximum Water Retention: >55% of weight
Overall Surface Area: 24.9 meters2/gram
Bulk Density: Approximately 55-60 lbs/foot3 (Varies according to MESH size)
Hardness: 3.5 to 4.0 Mohs
Crushing Strength: 2500 lbs/in3 (4200-6000 lbs/in3 in concrete tests)
LA Abrasion Test: (Wear Index) 24%
PH: 7 (Neutral)
Colour: Pale Green

Chemical Composition:


Potassium:                3.47%  
Calcium:                  1.60%
Sodium:                   <0.5%
Other Elements: Cu                25 ppm Zr       480 ppm Nd     45 ppm
Zn                 35 ppm Y          55 ppm La     55 ppm
Rb               120 ppm Nb        40 ppm Ba   1200 ppm
Fe                   1.3% Sr       560 ppm Ce   130 ppm
  Pb   <30 ppm
Whole Rock Analytical Data: SiO2          67.4% Al2O3        10.6% Fe2O3          1.7%
MgO          0.45% CaO          2.23% Na2O          0.59%
K2O          4.19% TiO2          0.27% P2O5          0.10%
MnO          <0.01%   LOI@925C      11.4%