Vanillin Pure Powder

Uses - The largest use of vanillin is as flavouring, usually in Sweet foods and Ice Cream. The ice cream and chocolate industries together comprise 75% of the market for vanillin as a flavouring, with smaller amounts being used in confections and baked goods. 

It is often used as an intermediate for the production of other chemicals such as the ginger essence Zingerone.

In the fragrance industry, in perfumes, and to mask unpleasant odours or tastes in medicines, livestock fodder, and cleaning products. It is also used in the flavour industry, as a very important key note for many different flavours, especially creamy profiles.

A chemical intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals and other fine chemicals. In 1970, more than half the world's vanillin production was used in the synthesis of other chemicals, but as of 2004 this use accounts for only 13% of the market for vanillin.