ADS-B /AIS /Marine band /Air bands (VHF and UHF) Multi-Device - Multi-Band - Multi Channel Software Defined Radio Receiver /Decoder.

The SBS-3 is a true stand-alone SDR receiver, unlike the majority of so-called SDR receivers on the market, which are, in reality, just digital tuners!

The SBS-3 performs all demodulation and decoding operations internally enabling genuine stand-alone operation. 

The SBS-3 is a revolutionary hardware product that allows aviation, marine professionals and enthusiasts worldwide, the ability to monitor the skies and seas in an unprecedented fashion. It is also compatible with PlanePlotter and ShipPlotter. It provides a true Real-Time Virtual Radar display on a PC or MAC screen showing Mode-S/ADS-B equipped aircraft and AIS equipped vessels immediately around them.

The SBS-3 has been designed to protect your investment for the years to come and is backed by Kinetic's traditional commitment to never charging for firmware updates.

Key Features/Specifications:

Setting up Guide For windows 8 and 10