Illustrated London News

Complete Issue

August 29, 1936

Complete magazine in good condition. Highly illustrated with lots of photos and ads. A large magazine. Inside:  ; The cover shows the British Steamer stopped by a Spanish Cruiser; The design of Germany's new battleships - 1st since the war; food shortage in Merida; Moroccan troops with the rebels; 8 pages of photos of the Spanish Civil War; The life and eager death of Emily Bronte; Goya etchings of the savagery of war in Spain; Naval events of the Spanish civil War; Rebel generals meet in Burgos; Government supporters rounded up in Seville; San Sebastian bombarded from the sea by Rebel warships; Life in Madrid during the Civil War; how television works; Queen Mary ship record compared to other Atlantic crossings;  Chronicle of the car; World of Women.  ;

We have most issues of Illustrated London News in stock 1843 to 1975. Inquire about other issues. We also have issues on Ebay under "London News."

Chosen Reflections/Million Magazines, 10373 CR 104, Kaufman TX 75142

Over one Million Magazines in stock 1843-the present.

In the trade since 1976