
YouTube: Wolfwise Hammock with Mosquito Net Review

* DURABLE & BREATHABLE: Constructed out of 100% parachute cloth, the hammock is breathable and durable to ensure comfort and long lasting use.
* ULRTRA LIGHTWEIGHT: Weighing only 21 ounces and easily foldable, the hammock is ideal to be carried and transported in backpacks.
* WEIGHT CAPACITY: Heavy-duty carabiners and multi-stitching ensures lasting durability and allows for maximum weight capacity of 400 pounds.
* SMART DESIGN: Mesh net provides protection against even the smallest of bugs. Two-way double zipper guarantees easy entrance and exit. Inside storage pocket to get small items such as cellphones.
* DUAL PURPOSE: The hammock can be used on one side without net. It can also be flipped over to the net side of the hammock for complete protection from bugs and insects.

Easy carry and set up by one person.
Complete protection from mosquitos and insects while at outdoor.
Ultra light weight yet extremely durable.

Expanded Size: 270CM x 140CM/106in x 55in
Folded Size: 16CM x 5CM x 20CM/6.3in x 2in x 7.9in
Material: 100% parachute cloth
Weight: 600g
Color: Blue
Weight capacity:200KG/ 440LBS

Hammock x 1
Carabiner x 4
Hang rope x 2
Mosquito net rope x 2

Maximum hanging height is 3.2 feet.
Make certain that the hammock is secured on stable objects such as trees.
Check hammock tie ropes before use, shorten the length as much as possible before tying to secure firmly.
Keep hammock away from fire.
Keep surround grounds of hammock clean to prevent laceration of fabric from sharp objects.
Young children should be under the guidance of caretakers while using the hammock.
Do not swing the hammock. Doing so may result in the destabilization of securing mechanisms.

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