
Resting freshwater rotifer cyst - (Brachionus Calyciflorus) over 3000 cysts ready to hatch

It's very easy to hatch freshwater rotifer cysts!
* Just add eggs to dechlorinated water,
put under the light and feed the little Bene for all the fry
micro sized of: Bettas, Killi fish, Discus, Scarlet Badis, Dwarf Gouramis, Rainbow shiners, Cardinal Tetras & sm.
* Rotifers can be grown in
a separate tank and used as a continuous feed
for Discus fry, when
Discus eggs are pulled and hatched separately from the parents who eat their eggs, growth results where as good or better than the fry which feed on their parents' slime coat.

What are Rotifers?

Rotifers and zooplankton are valuable live food for the culture of the larvae of most fish species. Several characteristics of rotifers, including their very small size around 50μ -120μ, have higher nutritional value. A digestive enzyme which is an element that fish can use to help divers. In fish, especially the development of gastric juice is not complete. He also found that the free amino acid composition, which the fish can use immediately, and relatively slow motility contributed to their usefulness as good prey for active larvae. In addition, they have a habit of being suspended in the water column, high reproductive rate and high crop density. They can tolerate temperatures between 15 and 31 °C. The optimal pH is 6-8 a
25oC A single rotifer can become thousands of rotifers in a few days. Its primary mode
of reproduction is called parthenogenesis, which is a form of asexual reproduction. Usually when the environmental conditions are right, female rotifers produce up to 7 eggs at once, with no genetic input from a male rotifer. These eggs are genetically identical and hatch to form new "daughter" rotifers within 12 hours. By 18 h post hatching, daughter rotifers begin reproducing every 4 hours

you will receive:

1) Rotifer cysts in capsules (over 3000 cysts) ready for hatching. (I suggest you split it into several batches, in case you don't have good soft water for the first time).
2) Small packet of Spirulina (rotifer food)
3) Small packet of dried yeast (rotifer food)

Pictures show live rotifer but you will receive Cysts

Feedback: for any problem please contact us